All cash donations are eligible for a full tax exemption.
By making a donation here your money goes into a campaign account to directly support the activities of Reform UK Aldershot such as leaflets, advertising, room hire, local community activities.
If you have a few hours to spare to join local Reform UK Aldershot meetings, our coffee mornings, campaign activities such as leafleting or pop-up street events, register here and we can channel you in the right direction.
Local elections for Rushmoor and Hart are coming up again in May 2024. If you are interested to stand for Reform UK and make a difference in your local community, with the full support of the party organisation, get in touch!
Add your name to our mailing list so we can keep you updated about upcoming events and local Reform UK announcements. To join as a member please go to
To be added to the mailing list please email a note to
Trevor Lloyd-Jones, 83 Victoria Street, London SW1W 0HW
Phone: 07748 187227
Twitter: @tlloydjones
Twitter: @reformparty_uk
Facebook: Reform UK Northeast Hampshire (South East)
Reform UK
Address: 83 Victoria Street,
London SW1H 0HW
Phone: 0800 414 8525